At Explore Abuja, we want to showcase your brand offerings to our audience.

Whether you want to boost brand visibility, increase customer engagement, or get more sales, our tailored advertising solutions can help you achieve your marketing goals.

Read on to discover how you can partner with us to reach a highly localized audience.

About Explore Abuja

Explore Abuja is the digital guide you can trust for an unforgettable Abuja experience.

We began the journey in July 2023 and exist so locals and tourists can discover exciting places to visit, things to do, events, and experiences in the capital city of Abuja.

  • Our mission is to show the world everything Abuja has to offer.

To achieve this, we create helpful content around the questions you need answers to and distribute them on the web and digital media platforms.

Thanks to our consistent efforts, we have grown public awareness and gained massive organic traffic inflow to our web asset.

Now, we’re offering you a chance to partner up and get your brand in front of our highly localized audience.

Why Advertise with Us?

Explore Abuja offers a unique platform for your brand to effectively connect with a targeted local audience and gain better visibility.

Here are reasons why advertising with us can elevate your brand’s presence in Abuja:

  • Targeted Local Audience: Our website attracts visitors who seek information about the capital city’s best experiences. You can reach a highly localized audience based in Abuja and direct your marketing efforts toward potential customers who can likely patronize your offerings.
  • Enhanced Brand Visibility: A collaboration with Explore Abuja will have your brand featured on a trusted platform. This association will improve your visibility and enhance credibility, as our audience trusts our recommendations.
  • Boost in Local SEO: A mention on our highly optimized site will enhance your brand’s local SEO efforts and improve search engine visibility, leading to increased web traffic and potential customers.
  • Cost-Effective Advertising: Our ad units are dirt cheap (for now) and provide good value for money. You can maximize your ad budget and achieve significant conversions without breaking the piggy bank.

These are some reasons why a strategic partnership with Explore Abuja can help your brand grow in the capital city of Abuja.

Our Advertising Packages

We offer a range of advertising options, no matter your needs and budget.

Below, you’ll find our diverse advert packages designed to maximize our reach and deliver value for your brand.

Sitewide In-Content Banner Ad

  • Description: A rectangular banner ad promoting your brand is displayed on all pages (except the homepage) across the site to gain maximum visibility to all web visitors.
  • Cost: 15,000 per week

Footer Image Ad

  • Description: An image ad featured on the footer section of all web pages (including the homepage) or provides consistent visibility across various site sections.
  • Cost: 15,000 Weekly

Sponsored Content – Featured Article

  • Description: An engaging feature article to be provided by you that tells the story of your brand and its offerings. Our editorial team can also write it for you.
  • Cost: 10,000 per Article

Event Coverage (COMING SOON): Coverage of brand-hosted events, including photos and articles, to boost event visibility and engagement.

Social Media Promotion (COMING SOON): Posts on Explore Abuja’s social media channels (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter) so you can leverage our social media following to boost brand awareness.

Newsletter Sponsorship (COMING SOON): Our newsletter featuring your brand and message, providing an exclusive focus on the brand offerings and direct access to our subscribers.

Sponsored Video Content (COMING SOON): Short, engaging visual content that showcases your offerings and aligns with our audience’s interests, embedded in relevant articles and promoted on social media.

Our Numbers – Audience Insights

Our platform attracts a diverse and highly localized audience, providing brands with an excellent opportunity to connect with potential customers in the capital city.

Here’s a closer look at who you’ll be reaching with your advertisements:

Engagement Metrics

Monthly Visitors: Explore Abuja attracts 15,000+ organic visitors each month, demonstrating our reach and influence within the community.

explore abuja may 2024 organic traffic

Page Views: Our site garners over 20,000 page views, with users frequently exploring multiple pages during their visit. This high engagement level indicates that our content resonates well with our audience.

Social Media Followers: To be updated. We are currently working on our social media presence and growing our following across Instagram, Twitter, and others.


Age Group: Our web visitors fall within a wide range of age groups, with the majority between 25 and 45 years old. This demographic is typically active and adventurous and interested in exploring new places, experiences, and activities.

explore abuja may 2024 organic traffic country breakdown

Location: While the majority of our traffic comes from within Abuja, Nigeria, we also attract a significant number of visitors from other parts of the world and international tourists planning their visits.

How to Advertise?

Collaborating with Explore Abuja to advertise your brand is straightforward.

Contact our advertising team at [email protected] or send a message on WhatsApp. In your message, provide details about your preferred advertising package, specific timeline, and any customization requests.

We’re ready to assist you every step of the way!

Contact Us

Whether you have questions about our advertising packages or need help choosing the right option, we’re here to help.

Send a message via WhatsApp for immediate assistance. We will respond promptly and help you with all your advertising needs.

Lastly, please join our community and follow us on all social media platforms to stay updated with Explore Abuja’s latest updates.

We look forward to joining forces with you and helping your brand grow in Abuja!